इंग्लिश न्यूज़

One week Faculty Development Program at AKS University, Satna

Satna. The program was formally inaugurated on 24th July at Vivekananda Auditorium of AKS University, Satna. On this occasion, while discussing on the topic of Curriculum Development and Teaching and Learning, the invited scholars shared their thoughts from the dais. This program is being organized at AKS University, Satna, in collaboration with Internal Quality Assessment Cell and Faculties of National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Bhopal, Ministry of Education, Government of India, New Delhi.

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The program started with lighting the lamp in front of the idol of Maa Saraswati with offering of flowers. After this, the invited experts brought in light the core issues and the briefing of the program. In the program of 24th July, Professor S.K. Soni, Former Director NITTTR, Bhopal discussed with the faculty on Learning Design for Outcome Based Education. He gave detailed information on Writing Instructional Objectives Course Content and Universal Design for Learning. After this he gave information on Writing Instructional Objectives Course Content and Assignment Document on Instructional Objective Course Content with Faculties. Lectures of senior scholars were also held in the series of lectures. The keynote speaker of today’s program shri S.K. Soni discussed the concept of Faculty Development Program. He said that Outcome Based Education came into existence only in 2007 and today in the era of New Education Policy many things are changing along with education. He discussed Learning to do, Learning to be together,

Pedagogy and Andrewgogi. He said that learning by doing is the need of the day. Professor Soni said that there should be humility in teachers and students should also get respect. The reason for this is technological advancement. He said that the development of students should be ensured as per the need of academics and the industry and AKS University, Satna builds up the environment. The next in sequence, was University’s Pro Chancellor Anant Kumar Soni, said that Ramayana is relevant even after centuries because of its content and integrity. He said that today many changes have taken place within 24 hours. The example is Apple’s smart watch, regular monitoring of diabetes with these smart watches has started happening in a moment. Under the present changing circumstances, we need to move forward by assimilating the changes. Prof. R.N. Tripathi said that the program will lead to expected growth and development and the curriculum of the university shall help students grow into multi faceted personalities. He thanked the guests. Vice Chancellor of the University shri B. A. Chopde shared the useful information of faculty development program viz. its outline, its background along with the essence of the program through the platform. The program was conducted by faculty of the University, Dr. Deepak Mishra. During the inauguration session of this program, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Dr. R.S. Tripathi, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Professor G.C. Mishra along with Deans, Directors and Faculty members of all the faculties of the University were specially present.

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